Understanding Biorhythms the Basics Explained

, by Unknown

Everyone for no apparent reason, goes through periods of good form, good self-control and periods when the mind is particularly clear. 

 Conversely, there are also periods when one is unable to concentrate and the mind is confused. The reasons for these fluctuations remain unknown. It is possible that the explanation lies in the Biorhythmic Cycle. Biorhythms were discovered at the beginning of the century by Swoboda, an Austrian psychologist, and Fliess, a German doctor. Their theories have been the subject of much research and, today, the application stage has been reached, mainly in the U.S.A. Their theory states that human activity goes through regular high and low periods. 

 What are BioRhythms ?

Biorhythms are inherent cycles that affect you physically, emotionally and intellectually. They regulate metabolism, coordination, emotions, memory, sexuality, creativity and more. As each of your biorhythm cycles rise and fall, so does your ability to perform certain tasks, physical activities, deal with stress, and make sound decisions.
Biorhythms show the physical, emotional and intellectual cycles in our lives. Sometimes all three cycles are together on the up swing or down swing. When all three biorhythm cycles are up life feels really good. When all three are down we can feel depressed. Most of the time the three cycles are varied in different degrees of highs and lows in relationship to each other. 

The extreme up swings and down swings occur at least twice a year. It is nice to understand our moods in relation to the major down swing periods because it can help us get a handle on what we are feeling.

Biorhythms have critical points when individual cycles are switching from high periods to low and vice-versa. When going lower the effect is similar to when you are getting off the freeway and putting the breaks on so you can drive at a slower speed on a city street. When the critical period is shifting up it is the reverse. It is as though you are getting on the on ramp to the freeway and have to speed up.

Understanding Biorhythms

Biorhythms are easy to understand, but hard to generalize. Everyone has gone from having a great day to having a bad day, yet this is not a collective experience... it is a personal experience. If you track your mood swings and your physical and intellectual highs and lows, then compare them to your biorhythms, you will begin to understand more about what makes you tick.

The Three Primary Biorhythm Cycles

Here is a list of the three primary cycles and their respective durations.

Physical Biorhythm Cycle - 23 days
The physical cycle is said to be the dominant cycle in men. It regulates hand-eye coordination, strength, endurance, sex drive, initiative, metabolic rate, resistance to, and recovery from illness. Surgery should be avoided on physical transition days and during negative physical cycles.

Emotional Biorhythm Cycle - 28 days
The emotional cycle is said to be the dominant cycle in women. It regulates emotions, feelings, mood, sensitivity, sensation, sexuality, fantasy, temperament, nerves, reactions, affections and creativity.

Intellectual Biorhythm Cycle - 33 days
The intellectual cycle regulates intelligence, logic, mental reaction, alertness, sense of direction, decision-making, judgment, power of deduction, memory, and ambition.

Transition Days

Transition days are the day when a biorhythm cycle changes polarity. At mid point and end point in each biorhythm cycle, the cycle sharply moves back to zero point and changes polarity. That is called a transition day (or caution, or critical day). As the cycles constantly change polarity, we experience life's ups and downs. A double transition day is when two of your cycles change polarity on the same day. This day may be difficult, especially if both cycles are changing polarity in tandem (going in the same direction). A triple transition day is when three of your cycles change polarity on the same day. Triple transition days are rare, occurring once every 7-8 years.

The toughest days are multiple transition days closely following each other. For example, JFK Jr. left on his last flight during one of these phases. All three of his cycles had transitions within a 72-hour period, which would explain his high confidence level, yet lack of good judgment. Each one of us has this combination several times per year. Sometimes even once or twice in a one month period. Those can be really tough!

Positive and Negative (High and Low)

It is important that we do not turn negative transition days, and negative cycles, into self-fulfilling prophecy. Negative cycles and transition days are necessary. For instance, while you're intellectual cycle is low, your intuition is at its peak. During a triple low cycle (all three cycles negative) your subconscious has more room to maneuver. A triple low cycle is one of the best times to get in touch with your inner spirit and an excellent time to learn from insightful dreaming. However, not a good time to go mountain climbing! Its time to take it easy and regenerate.

You may think having all three cycles in the positive would be great, but that's not true either. People who are experiencing a triple high can be pushy, irritating, and downright obnoxious (assuming that's not their usual demeanor). Confidence levels can be so high that disastrous mistakes may be made. Balance is the key!

Advantages of understanding the ups and downs of your biorhythms

Understanding your positive biorhythm cycles will assist you in planning sporting events, public activities, intellectual endeavors, even romance! Understanding your negative biorhythm cycles (and your personal reaction to your negative biorhythm cycles) can help you avoid accidents, hurtful situations, grief and misfortune.

Try a Biorhythm Calendar. 

Article by Chena Talkington: http://www.transformationswellness.net/_articles/biorhythms